
“People have been photographing the heavens ever since the invention of the daguerreotype. Alfred Stieglitz, Ansel Adams, and Minor White all, at one point or other, turned their cameras upward. But the field of astrophotography — which includes everything from images of deep space objects and nebulae to landscapes of the sun or moon — has still been generally viewed as a scientific one…..”

Follow this link to read the rest of “The Art in the Stars”

Adam Rabelais: Alternative Movie Poster Designs

There is something about vintage styles from the past that have the ability to impact people in ways that modern designs cannot.

Designer and artist Adam Rabalais has created “Alternative Poster Designs” for modern films such as The Prestige, Inception, and Jurassic Park, applying a vintage feel.

His designs are two dimensional and contain a minimalistic style.

View Adam Rabelais’s Etsy shop for even more posters.

Rickey Cotton: “Sound and Silence – God and Creative Expression”


The Cottons

by Dr. Rickey Cotton

As I begin my address, let me first say how glad, honored, and excited I am to be here. Although this is my first time here at the festival, let me also say that I don’t feel I speak as an outsider—no, I feel already joined to and one with you and what you are doing and experiencing in this Festival and have been for its seventeen year history—but still I do come with a new or fresh perspective.

My title is “Sound and Silence—God and Creative Expression.” So what I am wanting to investigate first and foremost is God and how we relate to God—then to consider creative expression and its relation to God. God first in actuality, not merely in words or not even emotion.

Certainly we will enjoy the gifts of God in the days of the Festival, but I want us to…

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The War of Art: “A Professional Acts in the Face of Fear”

“The amateur believes he must first overcome his fear; then he can do his work. The professional knows that fear can never be overcome. He knows there is no such things as a fearless warrior or a dread-free artist.
What Henry Fonda does, after puking into the toilet in his dressing room, is to clean up and march on stage. He’s still terrified but he forces himself forward in spite of his terror. He knows that once he gets out into the action, his fear will recede and he’ll be ok.”

~ Steven Pressfield The War of Art: A Professional Acts in the Face of Fear

Photography Exhibit Opens the Door for Visual Arts at Southeastern University

By Maegan Carroll

Craig Collins, Dean of the College of Arts and Media at Southeastern University, believes that as Christians “we’re all called to create.”

Currently, Southeastern University is working toward broadening their involvement in the visual arts, and providing students with more opportunities to grow creatively.


On December 4, 2014 faculty members of the College of Arts and Media began hanging up a selection of student photography on the walls of Bolin Hall in order to prepare for the first visual arts exhibit at SEU.

26 pieces were chosen for the exhibit from 13 different students. Pieces were chosen based on their artistic elements, such as composition, color, and contrast. Chad Neuman and Jon Seals were responsible for choosing which photos were to be displayed.

At the exhibit’s opening show December 5, 2014, three cash awards were given.

  • Best in Show: Kristine Diaz Coffman – Black Beauty
  • Second Place: Elisabeth Huijskens – Taylor
  • Third Place: Phil Perry – Lambs Like Lions

Each piece was judged by Claire Orologas, executive director of the Polk Museum of Art.

The theme for the exhibit was created by Dr. Craig Collins, the Dean of The College of Arts and Media, and Dr. Chad Neuman, Chair of the Communication Department.

After going over a few ideas Inspirations: Local Perspectives was the theme that was decided upon.

“Collins, and I talked about some themes and he proposed this theme and I thought it was a great idea for a first photo exhibit,” said Neuman.

Collins wanted to choose a theme that was applicable to the students of SEU.

Local Perspectives inspired students to photograph places where they felt at home. Some of the students photographed mission fields, others photographed their home towns. Some photographed Lakeland, Florida, where SEU is located.

This particular exhibit is the first of it’s kind to take place at SEU and has opened the door for visual arts.

Neuman states “The photography exhibit promotes students’ work and raises awareness of the arts.”

Neuman_Seals_Collins“It’s the beginning of something extraordinary. I believe providing students the opportunity to have a voice in the creative process and a platform to share their work is an asset to any institution,” says Collins. “Specifically at SEU, the visual arts is simply another venue to assist students in finding the intersection of God’s plan and their creative selves.”

In Fall of 2013 Southeastern University welcomed graphic design students into a new degree offered within the College of Arts and Media. This department has grown substantially within the last two years.

Southeastern University is continuing the building of fine arts courses for the benefit of students.

SEU will host their second photography exhibit themed Art Moves in Bolin Hall April 10, 2015. This particular theme will inspire students to capture subjects that show physical motion or even create motion through the feelings that are evoked by the subject.

Beginning Fall of 2015 there will be an addition of multiple visual arts classes. Drawing I and II, Painting I and II, Typography, Color Theory, and gallery exhibitions will all be available in the coming semester.

“There are many students requesting painting and drawing and my hope is that SEU, whether majors in Graphic Design or not, will take advantage of these courses,” says Collins. “We’re all called to create – and whether we’re finding the best perspective in shooting a photo, designing something in another field, or simply problem-solving to find the best solution in business – they all typify opportunities to create.”


How Music Effects the Brain – TED Talks

The link between science and art is a fascinating topic. In this TED Talks video, it is shown that whether acting as the audience or the composer, music has the ability to alter the way your mind functions for the better.


Welcome to “Inspire”

Welcome to Inspire, a blog which focuses on fine arts and media, such as film, music, design, and the visual arts.

My name is Maegan Danielle, a Graphic Design major minoring in Journalism. I created this blog as an outlet for my writing with the hopes of inspiring others who share the same interests as me.

Along with writing profiles on artists, arts organizations, art news, arts in the media, new art techniques, and other subjects that have inspired me, I would like to emphasize the Christianity and spirituality that is found in the arts.